How can tabloids function as remotes? Is Microsoft Kinect more than just a game? Is Apple’s voice recognition Siri the way of the future or will Skype take us to the next visual frontier? Will television become your bookstore / supermarket / retail outlet and possibly replace Amazon, Apple storefronts? What is T-Commerce?
Want to know where the digital future is heading? This workshop imagines where we’re going and the (short) steps that will take us there. We don’t even need a crystal ball since most of this technology is poised to hit the marketplace.
We’ll cover such areas as:
- Digital medicine
- Digital Finance / Mobile Payments
- Smart cars, smart homes, even smart apparel
- T-Commerce (television commerce)
- Second Screen
- Geolocation
- Context-Aware Services
- Object Recognition and Augmented Reality
And much more.
Interested in our workshop?